Boyz II Men go to Songland for their next hit

I won't deny it, I love Boyz II Men. That's not a controversial statement. You wouldn't be on this site if you didn't love Boyz II Men. Their music was a defining part of 90s R&B. Unfortunately, it's also not controversial to say that a fair amount of their original music in recent years has been underwhelming.
Enter Songland.
For those uninitiated, Songland pairs aspiring songwriters with big name music acts. It gives writers a chance to make it into the industry. And it gives artists the chance to try something new, breaking from their usual material and being a bit more... "hip." The show starts with four writers who present their original works. Three of these artists then get selected to work with coaches who refine the songs. At the end, the artist picks one that they will do a recording of.
The episode is a fun chance to see a little bit of Nathan, Shawn and Wanya in their natural element. These guys are performers through and through, and they show it on the show. They crack jokes and riff with the coaches and writers, and they let their vocals show off when anyone gets too complacent.
When it comes to the songs, you get to see a wide variety of material.
Juan and Lisa Winans went the traditional approach. To me, their song was definitely the most fitting with the guys style. It's a classic 90s R&B ballad, and I could totally see Wanya ad libbing to his heart's desire. Maybe it's a little too safe, a little too adult contemporary for today's market. You can see the song writers performing their track here and decide for yourself.
Zak Waters provided a different take. More up-tempo, his song has a little more of a grungy feel to it. Boyz II Men could make it work, and with its modern style it would fit better on the radio. I think it actually sounded more interesting in the first attempt, but you can see it here.
Last but not least, ChrisLee brought a track called Love Struck. The song is fire. I don't know how I feel about it as a Boyz II Men song, since they're not really able to harmonize on it but it's a great song. It sounds like it came right off the press for Sean Mendes to run wild with it.
And the winner was... everyone? Boyz II Men said lets go for it and told all three artists they would record their songs. What that will mean and when we'll hear them, I'm not sure.
However, they did have to pick one winner for the purpose of the show and ChrisLee's Love Struck was the winner. The group has recorded a performance of the song. While I don't quite see it in the group's wheelhouse, they did well with the track. I don't know if it's a homerun but it's a good listen. Tell us what you think!